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The Science that Got Us Here: The Science that Can Get Us Out

Coming out October 28, 2024

Three complementary phenomenological perspectives point to the issue of climate change standing under a completely different light than what is presented to us by the media. When we recognize planet Earth as a living organism, connected to the solar system and beyond, the perspective of the closed system that dominates climate change models completely loses ground. Instead we see challenges of a different nature.

On one hand the work of Viktor Schauberger creates the basis for an understanding of world ecology and the role played by modern water, forestry and farming management in continuously degrading the environment and causing a depletion of the Earth’s etheric mantle. Water is of much greater importance than CO2 in reestablishing balance. Not only does Schauberger help us see the root causes of the ecological crisis; he also points us in the direction of a multitude of solutions, rather than many of the quick and questionable fixes we presently hear about.


Schauberger’s work is supported from a completely unexpected quarter. What is true at the scientific level spills over into the technological and economic level, where much has already been done and can be done to reverse climatic threats. New industrial and agricultural processes are more and more working at eliminating systemically widespread waste, and operating chemical transformations at low pressures, low temperatures and reduced energy inputs. In other words many tools to solve pressing issues are already present. This is what transpires from the work of Gunter Pauli and the so-called “Blue Economy,” which works in a manner converging with Schauberger’s discoveries.

Finally, the Earth is even less of a closed system when it is integrated within the cosmos. Powerful influences shape the climate from the solar system that can no longer be ignored. They have in fact been recognized by conventional science (e.g., Peter Taylor’s comprehensive overview in his book Chill) and have been integrated and carried further in a new Keplerian view of astronomy. Chief among its proponents was Theodor Landscheidt. Others, such as Nicola Scafetta, or Nils-Axel Mörner, carry the torch at present.

No matter how we look at the issue, it is hardly just a complex technical problem. It seems there will be no way out of the impasse unless humanity embraces a new way of thinking about Nature and sets in motion a sizeable cultural revolution.

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Portugal’s Mission in Relation to the Mission of the West
Portugal became Europe’s first nation state at the turn of the 11th and 12th centuries. Preceded in time by the Grail events in northern Spain and the pilgrimages to Compostela, its growth was fostered by the Cistercians and the Knight Templars. At the time of their official demise in Europe the latter reappeared as the Order of Christ, which led the way to the Age of Discovery. The mission of Portugal opened the door to the age of the Consciousness Soul, the missions of Holland and England and what we call “globalization” at present.

Appendix 20: Surrender in the Calendar of the Soul
What is the importance of the act of surrender in the spring and summer time of the year according to the Calendar? What are the soul prerequisites that make it possible? What are the gifts that derive from it?
Appendix 21: From Beauty to Enchanted Weaving of Spirit within Outer Glory
Reference to beauty in the Calendar appears during the spring and summer time of the year. Throughout the soul’s expansion into the spheres of cosmic life, cosmic light and cosmic warmth, beauty keeps evolving and inspiring the soul.
Appendix 22: The Self Throughout the Course of the Year
The ego/Self is mentioned in the Calendar in four different ways throughout the four seasons. The terminology evolves from “narrow bounds of Self” (or “fetters of our selfhood”, “narrow selfhood's inner power,” etc.) in spring to “selfhood power” (or “selfhood’s forces,” “fruits of selfhood”) in summer. In the fall rises the expression of the “sense of Self.” The winter interval goes within a short timeframe from sense of Self to the “Spirit Birth.”

Artwork: Sophie Takada Bourguignon

Searching for the Spirit of the West
What can the American Spirit Contribute to the Michaelic Future?

From spiritual science and other traditions we know that peoples of the world have different spiritual contributions to offer for the cultural advancement of humanity. Some of these are obvious to many of us, such as the mission of the German spirit for the present or the Russian spirit in preparing the future. ...

The mission of the English-speaking people isn’t as clear, and is little investigated and acknowledged. This essay draws on two decades of research, all of which is posted on this website, to discern what America has to offer as a complement to the spirit of Central Europe, chiefly Germany and Eastern Europe, chiefly Russia.

The Wizard of Oz and the High Tor Legend: Stories for America’s Future
At the end of the nineteenth century in the U.S. two forces looked at each other as mirror images. On one hand, the external frontier was practically closed as the nation had reached its present borders. The temptation of empire lay beyond them. On the other hand, the American soul was restless on the inner frontier. This was the time of spiritualism and religious revivals on the East Coast and Frank Baum’s birth occurred at the center of it. The creation of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz bathed in this spiritual atmosphere. ...

High Tor is a mountain located north of New York on the western bank of the Hudson River. The High Tor legend, originating from the second half of the 18th century, connects North America with the Mystery of Golgotha, the Rosicrucian and Manichean Mysteries.

Both tales offer us a window on the American soul. Though vastly different in origin and style, they complement each other.

What Do Tall Tales Tell Us?
“The tall tale has become a fundamental element of American folk literature. The tall tale's origins are seen in the bragging contests that often occurred when the rough men of the American frontier gathered” (from wiki) This short essay explores what these stories convey about the American spirit.

Christmas in America in Legends and Art from the Time of Golgotha to the Present
This essay intends to highlight some of the many aspects that the Christ impulse takes in North America, in particular the legendary and artistic expressions around the Christmas story. It will start with the event that marked the equivalent of Christmas in Mesoamerica (from the Mayan Popol Vuh). From there it will move to Christmas’ artistic expressions in the sixteenth century (Mexico) and in the present (U.S.).

Astonishing the Gods: Book Review Ben Okri’s milestone achievement defies literary genre. I have settled for calling it an initiation journey. Ben Okri is not new to such attempts, witness his Starbook, which the author gleaned from the ‘book of life among the stars’, a veiled reference to the Akashic record.
This page offers access to books written around the general theme of cultural renewal. A great part of this, and the central one, looks at the Michaelic streams, which can contribute to this cultural renewal—the Platonists and the Aristotelians....

A second theme looks specifically at the modern works of fantasy of the West, from The Lord of the Rings to Harry Potter. Interspersed with these are works of exploration of anthroposophical meditations/exercises, and lastly social and scientific essays.

Writings in Italian and Spanish toward the end of the page
Articoli e scritti in italiano verso la fine della pagina
Libro en castellano al final de la pagina

Aristotelians and Platonists The following three books are concerned with the world missions of Karl Julius Schröer and Rudolf Steiner and the karmic streams they represented, those of Platonists and Aristotelians.

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Fantasy Works of the West The following books look at major imaginations produced by the spirit of the West, particularly the British Isles. They are works of art that speak to the mission of the West and the challenges it poses globally.

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Meditation Studies and Spirit Recollection The following works are derived from experience in working with meditative material or from the specifics of the path of Spirit Recollection.

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The Journey of Spirit Recollection:
A Handbook for the Practice
of Steiner's Karmic Exercises

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Eckhart Tolle and the
Art of Truly Living

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Joan Grant and
the Gift of Far Memory

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Exploring Themes of the Calendar of the Soul

This work explores themes as they emerge in the Calendar of the Soul, first in relation to the two halves of the year—spring/summer and fall/winter—secondly in relation to the mid-season quadrants, formed by the verses of so-called cross 7, which divide the year in four equal parts, centered around the times of the equinoxes and solstices. ...

One of the main threads continues the exploration of the polarity thinking/boding as it emerges from the work of Karl König, and places it in relation to other ones, such as the expressions of feeling, memory, will, cosmic thinking and cosmic Word and their relationship to the human being.

During spring and summer we follow the ascent of cosmic life, cosmic light, cosmic warmth and cosmic Word as gifts bestowed upon the human being by the cosmos. During the cold time of the year these are inwardly elaborated by the human being—conscious of her place in Earth evolution and of her relationship to the Christ impulse—and given back to the cosmos.

The calendar exemplifies how the human being is both connected to the movements of the seasons, but also partly independent in having to exert inner initiative that counters natural tendencies. In addition it shows movements of ebbing and flowing and a cyclical enhancement.

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Video presentation about some aspects of the research; part of the Ascension 2021 presentation with Hazel Archer Ginsberg at Reverse full recording at (Presentation on the Calendar of the Soul from 17’35” to 56’ 10”)

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Appendices not included in the book

Illness and the Soul

The present Covid 19 epidemic places us in front of epochal choices, chief among them the choice between two antipodal views of science. Are we to believe solely a science mostly based on indirect observations (through microscope, chemical/physical lab measurements, etc.), whose theories go from being working hypothesis to becoming established truths, forgetting that they often dramatically evolve and change? Or is it possible to turn to a phenomenological experience of illness itself based on the observation of the symptoms of illness, individual physical/soul make-up and biographical turning points that lead to illness? The first approach is mostly based on statistical correlations that completely exclude the factor of consciousness. The second one shows that the whole human being is involved in the phenomenon of illness. Are we to forego phenomena we can strive to understand and experience in the name of theories that most of the time we cannot prove, solely based on the comfort of external authority, or can we develop inner competence in matters that concern us as directly as health and illness do? Granted, the holistic approach takes a good amount of work. It can only be acquired and internalized over time. ...

There is a lot of conversation and good written work about how Covid-19 has come into being, about the science of viruses, about aggravating factors (e.g., 5G) about the socio-political background of this crisis. This book addresses another aspect of it: a phenomenological approach to illness, including the personal experience of it available to all of us, that will lead you to challenge common and pervasive assumptions.

If we look dispassionately at the bare phenomena, and take time to apply this understanding to our lives and specifically to instances of illness, personal experience alone will show us that there is little to support the prevailing paradigm of germ causation. My personal experience with illness over the last seven years (including flu and pneumonia) has showed me this beyond any possible doubt. This is not to discount contagion and epidemics. They are real, but even there the mechanisms of their diffusion differ from those purported by conventional medicine and the media at present.

The work explores first the phenomena of spiritual healing, then pioneer work into healing (The work of Dr. Bach and Dr. Hamer), and expands from a phenomenological perspective into a spiritual scientific one. The bottom line of this research shows that there is no need to fear illness per se (rather our inadequate responses to it) nor need to fear nature as our adversary. The paradigm we presently see imposed upon us at present subverts all spiritual scientific understanding of nature and illness.

If you want to peruse the book for its value in the shortest possible way I direct you to chapter 3, part II and to the conclusions.

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Seeing through Harry Potter's Eyes:
Bridging Imagination and Reality

Why has Harry Potter taken the modern cultural scene by storm and captured the collective imagination? There is such an archetypal power in the images that most of us cannot but be stirred by this instant classic. ...

This essay comes from a reluctant admirer, one who came late to, but fell headlong into the Harry Potter saga. Deep emotions were stirred, and the boundaries between reality and fiction were blurred. The author wants to show that there is more than just an allegory in the book; there is an imaginative portraying of the fabric of the modern world. Due to the themes treated this book is only meant for an adult audience.

Artwork: Valentina Villa

The Essay
Front Range Café Presentation

Not included in the essay:
Harry Potter, Memories, Prophecies and Links of Destiny

Tolkien, Mythology, Imagination and Spiritual Insight:
The Enduring Power of The Lord of the Rings

The book looks at Tolkien’s biography on one side and only at The Lord of the Rings on the other; not the whole of Tolkien’s output, other than indirectly. It offers a new understanding of Tolkien’s personality, and what can be called his spiritual experiences. These come to light from an in depth look at his letters, but also from unpublished time-travel books that are largely autobiographic. In those, Tolkien exhibits not only unique spiritual insight and discipline, but also offers inklings that explain how his work could achieve such universal appeal.


In looking at The Lord of the Rings the work goes in depth through Tolkien’s imaginations and lets them speak for themselves before showing how these confirm what is known to spiritual traditions of all time. This explains why the trilogy has such an enduring universal appeal.

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J. R. R. Tolkien, Owen Barfield and the Cosmic Christ

The book will introduce the readers to new aspects of Barfield’s legacy. It focuses on the significance of his two works of fiction, The Silver Trumpet and The Rose on the Ash-Heap, about which little has been said. It does the same in relation to his most autobiographical books (This Ever Diverse Pair, Unancestral Voice). What emerges from both lines of research is the great coherence of Barfield’s work. On one hand his early fiction announces the themes he explores and develops later in life. On the other hand the two autobiographical books illustrate how Barfield himself attained the step from ordinary to imaginative consciousness, with the resulting deep inner transformation which is the core of his message.


Additionally the book explores the work of Tolkien and the importance of The Lord of the Rings much more in depth than in Tolkien, Mythology, Imagination and Spiritual Insight. It shows how The Lord of the Rings is both an expression of the Christ event and a prefiguration of events to come.

Tolkien and Barfield show us two aspects of the Christ Mystery in our time. Tolkien instinctively went from the historical Christ to the cosmic Christ; his The Lord of the Rings gives an expression of the Christ event, placed between macrocosm and microcosm. Barfield, taking his departure from the cosmic Christ in the expression of macrocosmic polarities, shows us his connection to the historical Christ. Together both authors point to the cosmic Christ in our time. Their overall work forms a literary culmination in our time.

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Aristotelians and Platonists: A Convergence
of the Michaelic Streams in Our Time

The book's goal is the understanding of the impulses of Aristotelianism and Platonism in modern times. To reach this goal it is important to follow the developments of Aristotelianism and Platonism from their genesis in Greece to the present. Part III of the book looks at what would help the culmination of the Michaelic movement in the third millennium.


The book explores:

It is the hope of the author that the two books above will encourage discussion about:

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Karl Julius Schröer and Rudolf Steiner:
Anthroposophy and the Teachings of Karma and Reincarnation

Rudolf Steiner's core life task of furthering the spiritual understanding of karma and reincarnation is paired with Steiner's revelations about Karl Julius Schröer's task of laying the foundations for anthroposophy itself. The book explores:...

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Why this essay?

The Foundation Stone Meditation: The Seven Rhythms and the Three Practices; A Call to Integrate and Transform

Recording of “Ita Wegman’s Free Deed for the Future of the General Anthroposophical Society” (30’ presentation given at Front Range Café in March 2023)

This book preceded the two books above, and was written for a larger public at a time in which I could sense the reality of Aristotelian and Platonic impulses without being able to trace them to their historical origins, or to the history of the General Anthroposophical Society. The work is purely phenomenological, not spiritual-scientific. The conclusions are parallel to what is said in Aristotelians and Platonists: A Convergence of the Michaelic Streams in Our Times.


The book explores:

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WJ Stein once said: "Two forces hold sway in [Steiner's] life. On the one hand, there is all that he took on as his destiny by accepting Schröer's unsolved task as his own. On the other, there is everything that was included in his own destiny. Whoever reads the descriptions in his Autobiography with an awareness of this duality will frequently find references to it."


This essay explores the second strand mentioned by Stein, and the relationship between Steiner's revelations about karma and reincarnation and his work on social threefolding. Both teachings had a central role in Steiner's core life task, and his biography becomes more understandable when they are fully taken into account. So do central events in his life, such as:

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Joan Grant and the Gift of Far Memory

"During the last twenty years," writes Joan Grant in her autobiography, "seven books of mine have been published as historical novels, which to me are biographies of previous lives I have known." This essay traces the evolution of the soul during the successive incarnations and the short ones that are mentioned by Joan in passing in her books or in her autobiography.


The Journey of Spirit Recollection
A Handbook for the Practice of Steiner’s Karmic Exercises

The Journey of Spirit Recollection Handbook and its Exercise forms, here accessible, is based on Steiner’s karma exercises. It is open and accessible to everyone who is interested in taking it up personally, or in groups of 2 or 3 people. It is freely accessible since it is no more, no less than an elaboration of the karma exercises that Steiner has offered in the years 1918 to 1924. As a helper on the inner journey, it is purely phenomenological, based on observations of ourselves, events in our lives, and recollections of other people. I invite you to use it as you see fit and spread it to anybody interested.


Cultural Activisim:
What Can We Learn from Momo?

In setting out to render social change possible in all our circles—from the groups of which we are a part, to organizations, institutions and communities of various sizes—we can either embrace a dualistic perspective in which we stand against external situations, or else feel that we are both part of what needs to change and promoters of the change itself. The latter is the purpose of what we call "cultural activism" (others call it "sacred activism" or "spiritual activism) in this essay. ...
The approach explored in these pages doesn’t stand at odds with the ideas of social threefolding; on the contrary, it supports it with the cultivation of an awareness of the forces of destiny at all levels of social reality. This exploration was inspired by and takes its departure from Michael Ende’s modern fairy tale, Momo.

Codependency and Karmic Debt:
What Can We Learn from Maria and Johannes Thomasius?

The idea of codependency touches on a very wide, and general realm of soul experience. With the knowledge we can derive from Rudolf Steiner’s Mystery Dramas this notion can be coupled with the objective ground of karmic debt, as in the example of Maria and Johannes Thomasius. Thus it acquires unique depth and richness. ...

The characters of Maria and Johannes Thomasius form a relationship which is staged over the space of four dramas. Their growth is enhanced by the dedication they have to their own spiritual practice and .development.

Photo: Rudolf Steiner: The Guardian of the Threshold, 8th Scene (Foto: Georg Tedeschi)


Attivismo culturale:
cosa possiamo imparare da Momo?

Nel cercare di rendere possibile il cambiamento sociale in tutti i nostri circoli — dai gruppi di cui facciamo parte, alle organizzazioni, alle istituzioni e alle comunità di varie dimensioni — possiamo abbracciare una prospettiva dualistica in cui ci opponiamo alle situazioni esterne, oppure sentirci entrambi parte di ciò che deve cambiare e promotori del cambiamento stesso. Quest'ultimo è lo scopo di ciò che qui chiamiamo "attivismo culturale" (altri lo chiamano "attivismo sacro" o "attivismo spirituale"). ...
L'approccio esplorato in queste pagine non si trova in contrasto con le idee della tri-articolazione sociale; al contrario, le sostiene coltivando una consapevolezza delle forze del destino a tutti i livelli di realtà sociale. Questa esplorazione si ispira dalla fiaba moderna di Michael Ende, Momo.

Il Volto Santo di Lucca
e il Santo Graal

Nella cattedrale di Lucca (San Martino) si trova un crocefisso unico chiamato il Volto Santo. Nella chiesa di San Frediano si trova una reliquia del Santo Sangue. La relazione tra l’uno e l’altro è resa chiara da leggende locali e da quelle del Sacro Graal.

Libros en castellano

Aristotélicos y Platónicos:
Confluencia de las Corrientes Micaélicas en Nuestro Tiempo

La meta del libro es la comprensión de los impulsos del Aristotelismo y del Platonismo en los tiempos modernos. Para alcanzar esta meta es importante seguir los desarrollos del Aristotelismo y del Platonismo desde su génesis en Grecia hasta el presente. La Parte III del libro examina lo que ayudaría a la culminación del movimiento Micaélico en el tercer milenio.


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Es la esperanza del autor que este libro promueva la discusión sobre:

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